KS2 Maya Day
All of KS2 (Years 3 – 6) travelled back 1000 years to unearth the undiscovered world of the Maya through an inspiring, exciting and immersive workshop which covered everything in Maya society, ranging from Mesoamerica ballgames, ancient rituals and so much more.
The workshop consisted of a short introduction to Maya life and culture, followed by engaging activities:
- Team Bul – A strategic war game focusing on hunting and defeating your enemy on a board
- A fun fact finder quiz on the Maya creation myth, Maya civilisation and many other topics
- Artefacts from the time that children can touch and hold.
- Showing how the Maya took on aspects of the animals they hunted.
- Explaining the process of a human sacrifice
The children even got to see one of the only Moatl clubs in the country, a devastating obsidian war club, and its impact damage on a defenceless cabbage!
Rounding off a captivating day, the Maya civilization comes to an end after the arrival and contact with the Spanish conquistadors in the 1500s.