How can I help?
How can I help?
Joining the committee and becoming a FROG is only one way to get involved. See below other options that can fit around varying work, childcare and other commitments!
There are non-committee roles, for example organising second-hand uniform, Christmas cards, the Easter Egg hunt or the Christmas Fair.
Or you could join an event subcommittee, or be a Class Rep.
You can sign up to these shopping sites for a percentage of your order to go Ropley School
Or download the simple easyfundraising app….
Or use these codes to get commission from these fabulous Naming companies for all that school uniform….
Use 17024 when ordering
Affiliate ID: 5dd52c7403310
PTA code: SO240DS
As a registered charity we can claim Gift Aid on all donations. Gift Aid, for those not aware, relates to personal donations and enables us to claim back the portion of tax paid (if you are a taxpayer of course).
Email us for more details of this or contact the Treasurer Lisa McCrystal for our bank details!
But one very important way for you to support us is to
attend our events!