Authorised Absence
Any child who is absent from a session of school must have their absence recorded. Only the Head Teacher can authorise absence and if there is no known reason for the absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. The Head Teacher and Governing Body are accountable for attendance figures to the Department of Education.
Examples of authorised absence:
· Genuine illness
· Unavoidable medical appointments
· Religious observance
· Death of a close relative
Examples of unauthorised absence:
· Transport difficulties
· Being tired/having overslept
· Illness of a parent or carer
· The child didn’t want to come to school
· Birthdays
· A sibling has an INSET day
· Avoidable appointments (eg; haircut)
What we expect from you?
· Please contact the school promptly to report any absence on each day of absence by phoning, leaving an answer phone message, or telling the teacher or office staff. Unreported absences will always be followed up with a phone call from the school.
· Make medical and dental appointments outside school hours unless this is unavoidable
· Ensure that your child arrives in time to be in their classroom ready to learn by 8.50am
What can you expect from us?
· We will provide a warm welcome back for each child after a period of absence
· We will encourage and recognise good and improving attendance
· We will always discuss exceptional extenuating circumstances
· We can offer support for any pupils or families that are struggling with attendance – please talk to us
School is open from 8.40 am and the side gate closes at 8.45am. Morning registration is at 8.50am. This is when your child must be in their classroom ready for the register to be taken and the first lesson to begin.
It is important to be on time as the first few minutes of the school day are often used to give instructions or organise school work for the rest of the day.
Pupils who arrive after the register has closed (10 minutes after the start of the day) will be marked as having unauthorised absence.
All late children must be signed in at the office by an adult, this is a fire safety precaution.
If you need to take your child out of school during the school term, please complete the absence request form which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, or can be requested from the school office.