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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Vision and Intent:

Be your best, achieve together.

Our mission is to be a safe, caring, inclusive community where our core Christian values of Appreciation, Belonging and Compassion are recognised and developed. At our school everyone should feel valued and cared for. We encourage each other to have the faith to believe in ourselves so we can be the best we can be and achieve together.

Set within our Christian values of Appreciation, Belonging and Compassion and our rules Ready, Respectful, Safe, our curriculum is accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We strive hard to meet the needs of those pupils with special educational needs, those with disabilities, those with special talents and the children who are learning English as an additional language. We provide a rich, engaging curriculum, which challenges all of our children. 


Of ourselves, each other and our environment. We show thanks and respect by trying our hardest, listening carefully and using our gifts wisely.


To our family, the world, God and our School.  Our school family helps us to have the confidence to learn from our mistakes and never give up 


By understanding how others are feeling.  We are kind, understanding and forgiving in learning and play.  We will seek opportunities to help those in need and stand up for what is right.

We aim:

  • To provide high quality creative teaching which, through coherent planning and clear end points, supports and challenges all learners.
  • To use the national curriculum to create rich, varied and ambitious learning the children find relevant and exciting
  • To engage the children in a curriculum that offers the knowledge, skills and cultural capital needed to succeed in life
  • To close any gaps identified in learners especially for disadvantaged children
  • To encourage a proactive and co-operative partnership of children, parents, carers, governors and staff so we can support children to be successful and reach their personal best.
  • Our children to be independent and responsible learners who have a thirst for knowledge and the resilience to not give up.
  • To challenge perceptions so that our children have open minds and can show tolerance, kindness and love for all people.
  • To ensure children are well supported to have good physical, emotional and well being
  • To take pride in our environment so that school is a pleasing, inspiring and welcoming place to learn.


The curriculum is all the planned activities that we organise in order to facilitate the development of our pupils, their learning and personal growth and understanding of British values. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of enrichment and extra-curricular experiences planned in order to benefit the learning and development of all pupils. It includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, what children learn from the school’s values and ethos that guide choices and actions in everything that we do, the way they are treated and are expected to behave.

We have:

  • Inspiring and motivating classrooms
  • Deep subject knowledge
  • Clear understanding of cognition and learning
  • The right level of challenge for every child
  • Flexible structure & grouping
  • Responsive teaching
  • Supportive scaffolding
  • Effective questioning
  • Effective modelling
  • Clear objectives
  • Activities that are varied
  • Regular outdoor learning
  • Ongoing formative assessment
  • Effective feedback
  • Mini plenaries
  • Shared moderation
  • Valuable home school links

Our Curriculum:

We use cross-curricular links to make the curriculum relevant and meaningful to children, whilst maintaining the integrity of each subject, putting knowledge into context and putting it into appropriate sequences of content. 

Following on from the curiosity led and child-initiated learning in Early Years, our curriculum is firmly rooted in a set of knowledge and skills which are progressive. It has been developed to allow all children to achieve and flourish in both their personal and academic development.

Each curriculum topic identifies enquiry questions that give our learners the opportunity to engage with the topic and gives them a wider context to explore and consider.  Wherever possible, learning is enriched with hands-on exciting learning experiences that bring learning to life and show the relevance to ‘real life’. This could be a visit, a visitor bringing in artefacts, a drama or immersion day. Throughout the topic, there are further careful links to high quality texts and real life maths experiences. We also stretch our learners in the wider curriculum with a big focus on drama, art, music and sport. We provide children with planned opportunities to take on a variety of leadership roles, charitable work as well as participation in competitions and sporting events.

Please visit our Curriculum Page for additional information regarding each subject.


Over time, our pupils achieve pleasing academic standards However, being prepared for the next step is much more than academic results: Over their time with us, children take on different roles and responsibilities, learning to take initiative and responsibility, helping themselves and others.

We find out how our pupils feel about their learning through pupil conferencing and questionnaires. Leaders look in the children’s books and talk to them about their best learning and what made it special.

Children talk about events and link it to their learning. When children make the right choices for their safety and learning, benefit the school and local community and have a successful transition through the school and beyond we know we are doing a good job.